Can Fish Be An Emotional Support Animal?

Fish are an aquatic species that make excellent pets for those who don't have the time or space to devote to a more high-maintenance companion animal. In a glass tank known as an aquarium, pet-friendly fish can be kept.

Have you ever wondered why aquariums are kept in hospitals, dental offices, and waiting rooms?

Fish have been demonstrated in studies to reduce stress levels by up to 10%-12%. Keeping a fish can help you cope with stress by lowering blood pressure and alleviating pain and anxiety symptoms. Many of us are suffering from mental or emotional disorders as a result of our daily stress. Emotional Support Animals such as dogs and cats are not for everyone. Some of them relax by watching small aquatic organisms such as fish float by.

- Emotional Support Animal Letter

Those considering adopting one should consider the advantages of adopting fish as an ESA as well as the sorts of fish that can be adopted.

The Advantages of Keeping a Fish

Keeping fish as a pet can provide a number of health benefits. Keeping fish has a number of mental health benefits. Here are a few of them:

Fish aid in the reduction of stress and anxiety. Looking at the fishes in the water may help to redirect a worried person's attention and so alleviate stress. The colour palette of the fish can also help to lessen a person's stress level.

Lower Blood Pressure and Pains: If you have high blood pressure or other cardiac problems, having a fish tank in your house could be extremely beneficial.

Keeping an aquarium in a dental clinic, according to scientific evidence, can reduce the amount of discomfort experienced during dental procedures and the amount of pain medicine required afterward.

Emotional support animals, such as dogs and cats, can be unpleasant since they make a lot of noise by barking and yelling. Fish, on the other hand, are very quiet and tranquil aquatic animals that are also more suited for younger families because they are completely silent.

Petting an Emotional Support Cat or Dog may take a lot of space because they require extra space to hang out or move about.

Fish as an Emotional Support Animal, on the other hand, require significantly less room because they may be kept in an aquarium in one area of the house.

Fish are less expensive than other pets, but keeping a fish is not an inexpensive hobby for pet owners. Well, the cost is primarily determined by the species you possess, and it goes without saying that the fancier you go, the more expensive it becomes, but it is not as expensive as dogs and cats. Fish are also less expensive to feed than other animals because they are small.

How do I get a fish Emotional Support Animal Letter?

Complete the ESA Evaluation Form:

The first step is to complete an online evaluation form detailing your medical condition and ESA. Select the recommendation you require and complete the online form.

Get Your Form Evaluated by a Licensed Professional: Once you've completed the form, it will be reviewed by a Licensed Mental Health Professional. They will approve your request for an Emotional Support Animal and sign a recommendation letter for you based on your responses.

Receive your ESA Letter Instantly via Email: Once your licenced physician has approved your ESA, you will receive your letter via email immediately. After that, you can save or download your letter and deliver it to the landowner.

You can maintain fish as an Emotional Support Animal.

Many different varieties of fish are used to reduce stress levels. The following are some of the most pet-friendly fish:


Goldfish are a tiny member of the carp fish family that are commonly maintained as pets in aquariums. The size, body, configuration, and colour of these fish vary (found in various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black are known). Goldfish normally stay between 1 and 2 inches long and may grow larger if transplanted to larger fish tanks, although they seldom exceed 6 inches.


Angelfish are a popular freshwater fish that may reach 6 inches in length and 8 inches in height. They come in a variety of colours and patterns, and they feed plants and animals like as small insects and shrimp. They should not be kept around little fish. Angelfishes can be territorial, so they should be kept in a tank with few other fish.

Tetras de Neon:

A little freshwater fish native to South America that is particularly popular among fish keepers due to its brilliant colours and ease of care. They have a calm demeanour and simple nutritional requirements, making them excellent for beginners. Blue, red, and transparent Neon Tetra are the three colours available. These fish have an 8-year lifespan.


Swordtails are an excellent fish for beginning aquarists to keep. These fish come in a variety of colours, including black, red, and a variety of patterns. These fish are tiny, with males reaching 14 centimetres (5.5 inches) and females reaching 16 centimetres (5.5 inches) (6.3 inches).


Betta fish, often known as Siamese fighting fish, is a popular aquarium fish. These fish are well-known for their aggressive and territorial behaviour toward other fish, particularly males. If your Betta is quiet and calm, you can maintain them in a large tank with other fish species. They like to be in groups of the same species.

The types of fish you can keep as a pet are listed above. Fish are an excellent choice for an Emotional Support Animal, and you may add one to your household. They can benefit us not only in sustaining our mental wellness, but also in improving our cardiac health.They encourage us to get enough sleep so that our brain can strengthen memories and form new connections. So, with FastESA Letter, get your Emotional Support Fish accredited now.

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